About Us

About Us

Our Values

Focus on the marginalized individuals, family & children, respect for individual rights, be gender sensitive, hold a non-partisan position, support equality, be impartial, be relevant, acknowledge realities, promote self-reliance, share decision making, be transparent and be accountable.

Our Goals:


  • Learn the experiences, successes, and errors from successful African community leaders.
  • Network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making Portland, OREGON and surrounding towns a better place to live and work.
  • Share ideas on how to help Immigrants and Refugees grow and promote unity amongst community, students and professionals in the Diaspora.
  • Collaborate with participants to seek practical solutions on issues facing the Refugees & Immigrants Worcester and its surroundings.
  • Build a network of organizations and individuals.


The mission of Oregon & SW Washington African Community Development Center is to promote solidarity and collaboration among grassroots Community Based Minority Organizations (CBMOs) serving refugees and immigrants to strengthen and provide a voice for these communities in the Oregon & SW Washington area. The objective of the project is to bring together the community partners in Oregon & SW Washington African Community who are currently implementing the same objectives. OSWWACDC highlights the benefits and advantages in terms of sharing skills, supporting each other, developing a strong partnership and increasing the potential for generating learning on specific areas of projects. Working together will develop an alliance among core partners’ organizations for future project ideas. The project brings together a unique alliance of African organizations in the Oregon & SW Washington area. This collaboration & partnership will be for the benefit of the entire community. One of our roles is to facilitate immigrants within Oregon& SW Washington to be productive citizens in the community and to be less dependent on the government’s social programs. This will be achieved through short intensive career enhancing education programs that will provide employment opportunities upon successful completion. We will undertake to educate immigrants on preventative diseases, nutritional matters and optimum health options, new immigrants will also be informed on how to access health care within their respective communities, and cultural adjustments that are expected. All this will be a means of reduction on health cost to the state of Oregon.

The Oregon & SW Washington African community development center (OSWWACDC) shall promote solidarity and collaboration among grassroots Community Based Minority Organizations (CBMOs) serving Refugees and Immigrants to strengthen them thereby making them self-sufficient and self-sustainable thus becoming less dependent and decreasing their reliance on public assistance programs.

Together as one, African/African American Community CBMOs Leadership Conference coming soon in Multnomah county, Portland, Oregon

Contact Info

Office No

(503) 206-4137

Cell No 1

(774) 641-4867

Cell No 2

(503) 515-8278

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